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Your Name (original title: Kimi no Na wa) is a 2016 Japanese animated film directed by Makoto Shinkai. The story revolves around two high school students, Mitsuha Miyamizu and Taki Tachibana, who mysteriously begin to switch bodies intermittently. Mitsuha lives in a rural town and dreams of experiencing life in Tokyo, while Taki is a Tokyo resident who works part-time at an Italian restaurant. As they navigate each other’s lives, they leave messages for one another, trying to understand their unique situation. However, Taki discovers that Mitsuha died three years prior in a comet disaster that struck her town, Itomori. Fueled by their deepening connection, Taki attempts to use their bond to travel back in time and save Mitsuha and her community from the impending tragedy( Film Colossus )( Suki Desu - Cultura Japonesa ). The film explores themes such as love, fate, identity, and the intersection of tradition and modernity. It showcases the beauty of the Japanese countryside and highlights the significance of natural and spiritual connections( Suki Desu - Cultura Japonesa )( Explained This ). Visually stunning, Your Name has been praised for its animation quality and a poignant soundtrack by Radwimps, enhancing the emotional weight of the narrative( Explained This ). Ultimately, the film ends with Mitsuha and Taki meeting again in the present, recognizing their bond and memories despite the challenges they've faced( Suki Desu - Cultura Japonesa ). This heartfelt story has resonated with audiences worldwide, making it one of the highest-grossing anime films of all time( Explained This ).