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Weathering with You Tagalog
Weathering With You (Japanese: Tenki no Ko) is a 2019 animated film directed by Makoto Shinkai, renowned for its visually stunning storytelling, similar to his previous hit Your Name. The narrative follows Hodaka Morishima, a high school student who runs away to Tokyo, where he encounters Hina Amano, a girl with the supernatural ability to control the weather.
As they form a deep bond, Hodaka and Hina discover that her powers come with a heavy price: each time she brings sunshine, she becomes more transparent, indicating her gradual disappearance. The film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the impact of climate change, presenting Hina as a metaphor for nature's fragility and humanity's struggle against environmental degradation.
The story culminates in a poignant climax where Hodaka must choose between his feelings for Hina and the consequences of her abilities. Three years later, after enduring a nearly perpetual downpour in Tokyo, Hodaka returns to find Hina, leading to a bittersweet reunion amidst the flooded city(
The Cinemaholic
Roger Ebert
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